Normal Mission


By Rosso

If you are wondering why your mission keeps failing, it is because of the ff:
- Changing room slot can make your mission FAIL. Refrain from re-rooming. 
2. Spectator/Watch/Observer
3. Wrong translation/BUG

Click here for HIDDEN Mission.
Click here for Mission EXP Table.

Gamers playing on Laptops
Setup Gaming
Inside of a professional watercooled  gaming/workstation computer with blue LED lighting
Person with headphones looking at laptop
white controller
Arcade Dreams
black computer for case cooler master
white controller
Person with headphones playing video game

24. No Great, Finish Move Required.

Person with headphones playing video game
Person with headphones looking at laptop
Game On
white controller
Black  controller on a yellow background
Whilst strolling through any arcades, always stop to take a photo and play around in Lightroom. You’ll be impressed.

50. Miss = FAIL.

black computer for case cooler master
Arcade Dreams
Whilst strolling through any arcades, always stop to take a photo and play around in Lightroom. You’ll be impressed.
Inside of a professional watercooled  gaming/workstation computer with blue LED lighting
Inside of a professional watercooled  gaming/workstation computer with blue LED lighting
Just having fun
Arcade Dreams
white controller

76. Perfect X4, Perfect below 10.

Setup Gaming
ROG 02
Inside of a professional watercooled  gaming/workstation computer with blue LED lighting

Click here for HIDDEN Mission
Click here for Mission EXP Table

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